Richard G. Jacques, D.D.S.
M. Lauren Jacques, D.M.D.

16 Mills Ave Suite 1
Mills Professional Center
Greenville, SC 29605
(864) 242-4848


Our Blog

Happy Toothsday!

January 13th, 2015

Happy Toothsday! Did you know: Like other members in the deer family, moose have incisors on the bottom but not the top of their mouth. What would your smile look like if you didn’t have upper incisors?!?

toothsday moose

Happy Toothsday from Jacques Dentistry! :)


Happy Toothsday!

December 9th, 2014

Happy Toothsday! Did you know: In most cases, tusks are over-sized canines, but in elephants they are over-sized incisors! Talk about being “long in the tooth!”

toothsday elephant

Happy Toothsday from Jacques Dentistry! :)

Give thanks for your teeth!

November 27th, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving! All of us at Jacques Dentistry are so thankful for our wonderful patients and staff and we wish you all a happy holiday full of fun and family.

And as you reflect on what you are thankful for this year, don’t forget about your teeth! :)

give thanks for teeth

Happy Toothsday!

November 11th, 2014

Did you know: Dolphins teeth are for grasping, not chewing! That’s the exact opposite of human teeth — make sure you don’t use your teeth to grasp anything, or you might be paying us a visit to fix broken or chipped teeth!

toothsday dolphins grasp not chew

Happy Toothsday from Jacques Dentistry! :)

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